HCP Transfer of Value Reporting

The Medicines New Zealand Code of Practice (the Code) exists to ensure high standards of ethical and responsible promotion of prescription medicines in New Zealand, and wherever possible to exceed those required by law.

As a condition of membership of Medicines New Zealand, member companies must comply with both the letter and spirit of the Code.

As a member of Medicines New Zealand since 25 June 2021, Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Ltd (Novo Nordisk) is committed to complying with its obligations as set out in the Code and those required by law.

In addition, Novo Nordisk operates under ten essential principals which guide the decisions and actions of Novo Nordisk as a business, including Essential 10 of the Novo Nordisk Way – we never compromise on quality or business ethics.

Medicines New Zealand in collaboration with the New Zealand Medical Association, announced new Transfer of Value (ToV) transparency reporting guidelines developed by a joint working group comprising members of both organisations.

These new transparency reporting obligations became effective in New Zealand as of 1 January 2021.

Details of the working groups Joint Transparency Initiative can be found on the Medicines New Zealand website and HERE.

Transparency Reporting

The new Joint Transparency Initiative guidelines stipulate that member companies are obligated to disclose both payments as well as in-kind transfers made to healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations.

Reportable payments or transfers of value include:

  • payments to healthcare professionals in exchange for services such as hosting/chairing a presentation or serving as an advisory board member or consultant; 

  • expenses incurred in the course of providing these services such as airline tickets, accommodation, and meals; 

  • professional and educational event registration fees, along with any associated expenses incurred in the course of attending those functions.

Novo Nordisk has prepared the below ToV Reports in accordance with the Code and the Privacy Act 2020 (NZ).  These Reports are designed to be read on this website and are downloadable CSV files.

To comply with our obligations, the reports may be amended from time to time.   

Any use or disclosure of the data by a third party is the responsibility of that third party, who must comply with the Privacy Act 2020 (NZ).  For further information about the details in the reports, please go to medicinesnz.co.nz.